HOW. That is Native American for hello. Wamdi Okiciz is my name, which literally means Little Wing. I was born in Minnesota in 1785. During my younger years I helped the American men in the War of 1812. My duties included carrying messages to the U.S. government and promoting the U.S. efforts against Britain within my people. The white men gave me the nickname of "War Wings." This was ironic because I am remembered as a man of peace. After war I worked as a river guide along the Mississippi and as a messenger for the American Fur Trade. After War I got married and was adopted into the Yankton Sioux tribe. My wife and I had 3 boys and 4 girls. Other tribal leaders and I went to Washington D.C. to debate peace treaties. I was honored to receive a peace medal from the president for my actions.
As a jury member in the North Dakota mascot case I try to have an open mind on the subject. Please give me your thoughts as I try to decide what is best for the "fighting Sioux." Peace is a big part of who I am. If the debate is not peaceful my views on this case will be swayed against leaving the mascot as it is. But I see no reason to change the Mascot as long as theres no fighting.
HOW Wamdi Okiciz! I understand that you are undecided on the "fighting Sioux" mascot name issue. I am the Editor of The Dakota Student and I have read many different opinions on this topic. I came to the conclusion that the Indian tribe should be proud that the University of North Dakota wants to represent them. UND has division 2 sports and positively represents the tribe with their strength and determination. I do not think that the name should change. Good luck with your decision!
-Editor, The Dakota Student
Hello there Little Wing. I'm glad that you are taking the approach of having an open mind on this topic. I feel that the mascot name is simply honoring the Indians who were a part of the Sioux tribe, and in no way is trying to disrespect the tribe. I would be interested to hear what you think about the name considering your heritage. But like I said, I hope the name sticks, and hope you keep that open mind about it. Have a good one Wamdi.
Gloria Hayden
I like that you are trying to keep an open mind about this situation. That is important. I think that the mascot is only meant as a positive thing. It has never been offensive or shown any racism against the Native Americans.
-Tim Smith
HOW Little Wing! It's great to speak my native language with another! I like how open minded you are about the situation. I agree that peace is a great thing. I usually don't get to angered or upset about anything, I'm very laid back, but this is just something that really grinds my gears. Every since I was a young boy, all I wanted to do was play sports for UND. I trained hard throughout all of my school years, making varisty for baseball, basketball and football, and also setting quite a few records for my school. Everything that I did was to better my game and get me closer to UND. I was hoping for an athletic scholarship. However, I didn't get one, I didn't even get accepted. The reason that I am so against this mascot is because the school is hypocritical. They say that they proudly wear the Sioux yet the won't even accept one into their school. I hope I have given you some sort or help or opinion.
-Ronnie Tall Bear
Little Wing, I can relate to what your saying, I mean hey, I like peace too, and the thing about it is, is that there really isn't any problem with our team mascot. It is actually a good thing to honor and respect Indians in this manner. So, I am glad to see that you're mind is open in this matter. We'll keep in touch.
Dan Snidyr
Little Wing-
I am a student at UND and a huge hockey fan. As a student who has had a father go through the UND experience and I am myself I would like to tell you that all the students at the school take pride in our school mascot. We wouldn't be going to UND if we didn't want to proudly represent our school and everything that goes with it. We have accomplished students, people that the Indian's should be proud having represent their name. We are in no way trying to be offensive in using the Fighting Sioux as our mascot. I hope you will come to a decision soon as i need the hockey system to stay regulated.
-UND hockey fan
Hey Little Wing,
I am like you in being open minded but I truly do believe that the "fight Sioux" is in no way offensive, in fact if anything it is honoring the braver Sioux. I hope that everything gets figured out on this topic, good luck!
-David Hayden
Hey Little Wing,
I am like you in being open minded but I truly do believe that the "fight Sioux" is in no way offensive, in fact if anything it is honoring the braver Sioux. I hope that everything gets figured out on this topic, good luck!
-David Hayden
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